
Prices for trees from our own production in 2017

You are buying direct from the farmer in Denmark

Variety: Nordmann
Provenience: Ambrolauri, Georgia
Packaging: Netted and palletized

Global GAP certificated

Minimum 1 pallet.
Each pallet = 100-140 trees

Come visit us in Denmark

Full load

If you are interested in a full load with aprox. 1100 trees, then call Irina, and we can make a delivery directly at your place, at a special rate.

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Cat. 2

Prices from: 

Cat. 3

Prices from: 

Cat. 4

Prices from: 


GreenPeas Christmas trees  •  Eskemosevej no.8  •  DK-5853 Oerbaek  •  +45 24 48 47 15  •  Danemarca  •  psj@greenpeas.dk

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